Sunday, 6 March 2011

On Sir Ken Robinsons speech: Do schools kill creativity?

I thoroughly enjoyed watching this you tube video His ideas tie in with Gardners' theory of multiple intelligences. 
The speech encouraged looking outside the square with a great example of a student learner who fortunately was correctly diagnosed as a dancer and kinaesthetic learner rather than suffering from ADhd!

I wonder how I can diversify the way to teach music in the classroom when the time comes. I can see cross curricula connections between subjects like English: the poetry in lieder, Religion: music used for worship, and Science: the physics of sound.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great topic to get onto. Perhaps if we change the model of education we also need to change the way we see ourselves strictly inside one field of learning/knowledge.

    Or perhaps the role of the teacher changes - facilitator instead of instructor, or something similar - you'll find lots of stuff on this online.
